
Working with our clients towards data-driven organisations with capability and confidence through our consulting and training services

An enterprise data ecosystem (EDEco) should not be viewed and treated as just a landscape or a graphic representation.  It is a special human-data-technology operational system (or system-of-systems), which needs to be explored  and examined through adequate scientific and engineering  lenses and controlled and managed in a disciplined manner for its continuous changes and evolution. The high complexity of EDEco  is often underestimated and cannot systematically and effectively dealt with by existing tools for data governance and engineering. 

Enterprise Data Practice Management (EDPM)

EDEco differs  from and is much more complicated than technology/platform-based data ecosystem that many vendors discuss about. DataEco Lab provides technology-independent methods and enablers to help organisations understand scope, context and complexity of EDP or  EDEco as data capability, in particular

Expected benefits and outcomes:

What is the data capability for your organisations?

The high knowledge complexity surrounding various datasets is a challenge for many professional activities and processes in data governance, management and engineering. It  makes the decision making in EDP change and evolution management (such as digital transformation) face significant issues, uncertainties and risks. 

EDP/EDEco Analysis, Assessment, and Planning and Implementing Digital Transformation

DataEco Lab is a specialist in planning and implementing digital transformation. Based on a conceptual reference model and a maturity reference model for EDP, we help organisations to:

Digital transformation is not just about decisions on the changes of systems and selection of new technologies or platforms. DataEco Lab can help your organisation to make evidence-based and well-informed decisions on changes and evolution of EDP and develop the bespoke digital transformation plan either from traditional ICT  (or enterprise systems)-focussed strategy and practice into a EDP management practice, or to consider and implement major changes to key elements in EDEco (such as cloud migration, replacement of existing technology, and adoption of new technologies or new approaches (i.e. Master Data Management, Data Mesh, data product management or integrated metadata management). The EDP management is an emerging task and the joint responsibility of CIO, CDO and CTO for a modern data-driven organisation. 

Expected benefits and outcomes, in addition to effective EDPM:

Effective data model/architecture management and EDEBoK are important elements of organisational data capability, which are often inadequate or missing in the current practice for many organisations, due to various reasons. 

EDP (EDEco) Consolidated Data Architecture and Knowledge Management

Data architecture and data knowledge management are critical to data-driven organisations, but remain as challenging issues, especially for crossing systems/platforms/tools or the whole EDP. We help organisations:

Expected benefits and outcomes:

Data products are special  data elements in EDEco, which differ from other datasets. Well-defined data products should be created  through using an adequate  methodology and rule-guided processes for special purposes and must fit the conditions and operation of the current EDEco. The use of data product concepts has significant impact on EDP operation and management that should not be underestimated.  

Unlocking and maximising values of data, and rationalising the data practice through Data Product Design and Management

Data products can not be effectively created, managed and used in a poorly managed EDP environment or EDEco, for either internal purposes (such as suggested by the data mesh strategy, dashboard-based productisation  or internal 'marketplace'), or external purposes or requirements (such as Open Data, Open Banking, sharing data across organisations or data trading). 

We introduce and bring the best practice (methodology-based and integrated with EDP management practice ) to your organisations when you are considering and ready for the next level of data practice, that is, data product-based practice for more effective management in data quality and observability, and for seamless data sharing and flowing across boundaries or trading in marketplaces. 

DataEco Lab helps organisations to develop a phased approach to implementing its digital transformation strategy in data democratisation and productisation,  in order to achieve controlled and smooth transitions or shiftings in relevant aspects with clearly defined milestones and outcomes, and enable effective communications and coordination across different areas and teams. 

Expected benefits and outcomes:

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